In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media companies about hosting their content inside Facebook rather than making users tap a link to go to an external site. 近几个月来,Facebook已与至少六家媒体公司悄悄进行谈判,谈关于用Facebook内部的主机来托管媒体公司内容的合作,从而无需让用户通过点击链接进入外部的网站。
He enquired in a furiously sarcastic e-mail that was so long it must have taken half the day to tap out on his BlackBerry. 这封邮件如此之长,想必他肯定花了半天的时间,不停地敲打自己的黑莓。
In the second half of2002, it meant it could turn the marketing tap on fast when it saw an opportunity to take share from rivals. 这也意味着它在2002年下半年发现有机会从竞争对手那里夺取份额时,能迅速展开营销攻势。
In the hospital two months an'a half. Didn't do a tap of work all that time. 在医院内呆了两个半月,什么活儿都不干。
More than half of the people drank tap water, and 36 68% people drank bottled water and most of them drank pure water or distilled water sold on market. 半数以上的居民日常饮用自来水,饮用桶装水的居民占3686%,其中大部分饮用市售纯水或蒸馏水。